5 Reasons why Metropolis Gift Cards are the perfect gift for Grandkids

Everything that you think they’ll love, they don’t. Everything they want, you're clueless as to what it is. If you can get those kids to spend time with you AND have a smile on their face, you’ve done your job. Here are five reasons why a Metropolis Resort Gift Card is the perfect present for your grandkids.
1. Free money!
When you spend a certain amount of money on the gift card, we give you some more for free. Get on the email list and watch for the deals before Black Friday, which is typically when you can get the most bang for your buck.
2. You choose when
All you have to do is pick the date! Every year you run out of ideas for what to get, and you can never remember what you have and haven't gifted already. With a gift card, you just have to tell them where to go and when, or better yet, come together!
3. Together (with privacy)
Staying at the hotel, get as many rooms as you'd like so folks can stay up as late as they want or get up as early as they want without bothering the rest of the family. There is free coffee in the lobby with cozy couches for the early risers to enjoy the mornings. City Eats is open until 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays, serving drinks for those who aren’t quite ready to go to bed as early as some of the others.
4. No mess
You don’t have to clean your house in advance and you certainly don’t have to clean up after all of them. Enough said.
5. Memories
THIS IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT. The entire family will cherish the gift of happy memories. A time for everyone to get together and have a good time. Truly the best gift a grandparent can give to their grandkids.