Back to school already
As a child, going back to school was the most dreaded part of my summer. However, I loved going shopping for school clothes and supplies. I always enjoyed getting my notebooks, art supplies, and a new backpack. I LOVED getting new clothes. I used to plan out each outfit for every day, including the perfect shoes and jewelry.
After about four days of being super organized, regular school life kicked in. I was waking up at the last minute after my poor dad had to wake me up seven times. Sometimes there was yelling and crying involved. I usually ran out the door with a piece of toast in my hand and dripping wet hair.
Fast forward—I’m the one trying to wake up my kids, I’m the one getting yelled at and trying to prevent crying, I’m the one throwing toast in their hands as they run out the door mad at me. I’m not saying it’s like this every day, but if you know this feeling, you know.
I had no idea that being a mom was going to feel like running around like a crazy person every day. Wake up, get kids off to school, pick up one kid, pick up the other kid from practice, go to a game for another kid, make sure jerseys are clean, make sure lunches are packed... just to do it all over again the next day. Yikes! My calendar is packed, and my heart is full!
My son, Grady, is a freshman this year. I can’t believe that he is old enough to be in high school. This year he is excited to go to play football with the upperclassmen and participate in all the homecoming festivities. I feel his excitement. The cool nights in my blue jeans, a hoodie, and my cup of coffee at the football game on Friday night feels like fall. I can’t help but feel like his childhood is slipping away because he is now taller than me! I have committed to taking some small trips with the kids, and you should too! Sit down and look at the calendar. Pick some dates. Plan those mid-year trips away.
My daughter, Emma, is in 1st grade. She is ready for some serious reading and math. She can't wait to have her birthday party at Action City. She is planning on inviting so many kids that I'm going to have to rent a big bus!
Metropolis Resort is the perfect location to sneak away for a long weekend. You should do the same. If you live in Minnesota, get the neighborhood together for an MEA weekend trip on October. Visit Metropolis Resort over Christmas break. Start planning your President’s weekend or Spring Break trip.
There is nothing better than seeing a big group of people checking in at the front desk of the hotel. The luggage carts are packed with everything but the kitchen sink. Friends and family are hugging and laughing when they first see each other. Eau Claire is the perfect location to meet up with your loved ones.
You only get so many of these trips over the course of your children’s childhood. Make them count!
The days are long, but the years are short…remember to embrace it.