Birthday Party Without the Party

Every year our birthdays are a very special day full of family, friends, good food, and celebrating. Our kids feel special because it is the one day just for them. My son Grady shares a birthday with his dad on May 1st. We always have a special celebration for the two of them, but to be honest, it's really just for Grady! When Grady was born, my husband Brian said that he'll never have a birthday again because May 1st will always be about Grady. He was right.
You can imagine, when your Mom works at Action City, you MUST have your party there. The other boys have come to expect it. It is the one day that we just let them run and play whatever they want.
The Action City birthday parties started when Grady was seven. There was a group of four boys coming over after school for a little party at our house. It was a rainy, icky Mayday and I was going to have five screaming boys in and out of my clean house. I knew it would be destroyed. Then, I had the brilliant thought to just bring them to Action City. I loaded up the minivan with these boys. We arrived and played hard. We ate a ton of pizza and cake. Drank a ton of soda. Each boy got a knobby ball. They were exhausted. I dropped each of them off at their house, and when I arrived at my house...it was still CLEAN!!! Mom win.
Now we have to have a party every year at Action City. This year Grady will be 12. We had big plans to go axe throwing. You have to be 12 in order to throw axes, and Grady is the youngest of his friends, so everyone would be old enough and they were ready to throw some axes. As you know, Covid-19 happened, so we no longer have plans to throw axes. As a mom, it's tough because I want my son to feel special on his birthday. I will still do everything that I can to make him feel special, but his friends won't be there. There won't be axes. There won't be go-karts or any of the other fun Action City stuff he loves.
We promised him that we would celebrate his birthday at Action City with his friends like we always do when everything opens back up.
This got me thinking that many of you are in the same boat as us...you have special birthday kiddos and nowhere to go. I thought it would be neat if we could offer a voucher to you for a discount to have a birthday party sometime in the future. Check out our voucher offers for birthday parties. They never expire. It makes a great "IOU" gift for your kiddo!
Happy Birthday, Grady! Your birthday this year will definitely be one we will not forget!