Easter 2020

April 14, 20202 min read

Traditionally, Easter marks the end of Spring Break at Metropolis Resort. Every year we have a giant Easter egg hunt with thousands of Easter eggs, candy, games, prizes, and really cute kids everywhere. This year the resort is closed.

It was different for my family as well. We didn't go to church. We didn't have an Easter ham. We didn't have any fancy clothes or pictures. It snowed eight inches and we had Pizza Hut for dinner. How strange!!

I always buy a family gift for Easter. This year I was determined to buy a Nintendo Switch because I thought it would be something fun that the four of us could do together. Guess what everyone else is buying during #saferathome... a Nintendo Switch. They are sold out everywhere in Eau Claire and on Amazon. So I gave up. My husband Brian & I were talking about how we just wanted to play some classic Nintendo games with our kids so they could see what it was like.

Then it happened...I found a Nintendo Entertainment System on Amazon. It is the classic system that is pre-loaded with 30 games. Add to Cart. Done. Brian & I were so excited we just couldn't wait! To my shock, it showed up on Monday morning. We literally ate leftovers on Monday after work so we could play. It was so much fun. My favorite is Super Mario Bros 3; Brian is more of a Super Mario Bros 2 fan (because he is older). I'll be honest, there was whistling along to the tunes, yelling at the TV, a bunch of jerking motions, and celebrating! Our kids were shocked that we could remember the secrets and the moves from 30 years ago. It has been a blast!!

I would be lying if I said this has been all family time. It has been mom & dad's time. Our kids have disappeared to go do their thing, but there are two large kids fighting over the controller on a two-foot-long cord. Brian & I didn't know each other when playing Nintendo was cool. It's been really fun to get to know the other side!

Easter was different this year. But at the end of the day, it's what you make it. I think we are always going to remember Easter 2020!

Stay Safe & Healthy!


Sara Abbott

Resort General Manager

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