Getting Ready for Summer!

My kids are just about done with school. Grady (14) is ending 8th grade, and Emma (6) is finishing kindergarten. They both had a great year and are really looking forward to summer break. Emma thinks that she is going to have a sleepover with her entire class on the last day of school at our house. I’m not sure I’m ready to have 17 six-year-olds sleeping at my house at the same time. I can’t imagine that all the parents would let them stay overnight, so I think we should be safe. Maybe they can come and play, go crazy, get dirty, tire themselves out, and then get picked up in the evening (or so we hope). Grady is nearing the end of his last year in middle school, and no part of me is ready to have a high schooler. Before I know it he will have his license. Although now that I think about it, that could be really helpful. Next up, Emma’s chauffeur! He’s ending the year playing basketball with his buddies, spending time with his girlfriend, and planning out his summer fishing trip.
Like most working moms, the end of school causes me a bit more stress than it does them. I have to make sure that they have the things they need—I need to stock my house with more food than normal and make sure that I have their schedules straight. They have summer school, swimming lessons, bible school, dentist and doctor appointments, t-ball games, football camp, summer basketball league, overnight trips with friends, and everything else in between.
Summer days seem to slip by so fast every year. We find ourselves outside until 9:30 pm every night. My house is always the place the kids want to hang at, which I love with all my heart. Bedtime means nothing in the summer. We go to bed when we are all exhausted and sunburnt, with dirty toes and a house that won't be clean until fall. Everyone has tan lines and smiles, and mom's heart is warm. Some days I don’t think my kids put on normal clothes—they go from pajamas to swimsuits and back to pajamas….and that’s okay, because they are happy and healthy.
The point is, summer is about fun and being happy with your friends and family. It’s about making memories of chasing fireflies, napping in the hammock, and sitting around the campfire. At Metropolis Resort, we are committed to providing a fun and amazing experience every time you visit us. Mark your calendars for racing on the outdoor go-karts, flying through the air on the zipline, and relaxing in the water park.
Your kids are only little once. Enjoy every minute.
Sara Abbott