Halloween Giveaway!

Every year I try to come up with new ideas for our Halloween costumes. Some years I go all out and make elaborate costumes, and sometimes I just dress up as a witch—the same costume that I’ve had for years. My “go-to” easy costume is a blue M&M. You just throw that thing on with some white gloves, and done!
As we come into October, I have to figure out what my kids want to be. My 6-year-old, Emma, has decided to be Maribel from Encanto. Easy, I even bought her a wig. It is going to be super itchy and uncomfortable, but that is nothing compared to the masks and wigs we used to wear in the 80’s. I always try to talk her into something super cool and homemade, but she won’t have it. So I went to Target and bought a Maribel costume.
My niece, Lucy, wants to be Ursula from The Little Mermaid and I cannot wait to bust out my sewing machine to help my sister make her costume. I guarantee she will win the costume contest at school. It has become our mission…I get a little competitive!
This reminds me of the year my son Grady (who is now 14 and no longer wants to dress up) won the Cub Scouts Halloween contest. That was the last year that he was totally obsessed with becoming an astronaut, so naturally he already had the helmet. The year prior he was a Power Ranger so I was able to make a few changes to that outfit to make him look like the coolest astronaut ever. His old costume was too big because living in Wisconsin, it had to be big enough to fit over a winter coat, and we never know what weather Wisconsin will bring us. Thankfully that year he had grown quite a bit so the costume fit him perfectly. I bought a couple rolls of white duct tape and taped the kid into the costume. I taped a few “patches” to his costume, and off we went to the Cub Scouts Halloween party, where he played, laughed, and ultimately won the Halloween contest. What I failed to think about was how I was going to get the kid out of the costume... or how he'd use the bathroom. Not to mention how hot and sweaty he must've been in that thing. We laughed and laughed and laughed trying to cut him out of the costume. He was dripping in sweat and really had to go potty!! Did he regret it? Not a chance, because he was a real astronaut.
I feel like everyone had that one costume that their parents came up with that will always remain a core memory. I grew up in the 80’s, so our costumes were homemade. Our moms worked tirelessly with their sewing machines. The masks were horrifying; you couldn’t see or breathe in them, but man, we looked good! I remember dressing as a scary vampire a lot, because I have a sweet widow’s peak and I took a lot of pride in scaring people with my fangs!
In one of our manager meetings we were sitting around talking about some of the costumes that our parents dressed us up in. We laughed and really enjoyed the stories that came with it.
We enjoyed it so much that we thought we would offer the same to our friends and guests at Metropolis Resort. We are going to be giving away a free night stay in a standard double queen room with up to 5 water park passes for a submission of a “vintage” parent costume.
Here's how to win:
Post a picture of you way back when in your Halloween costumes on the pinned Halloween post on our Facebook, then post again on our Halloween Instagram post for an extra entry! I’m thinking there are a lot of pictures of Care Bears and Teddy Ruxpin! Submit your photo by October 29th at noon and we will announce our winner on October 31st at 10am. We’ll pick a winner to come stay at Metropolis Resort for free! We can’t wait to see the photos.
I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane as much as we did. Enjoy these years with your kids. The days are long, but the years are fast. Enjoy each moment.
Happy Halloween!